Design + innovation, quality + playability are the principles of our craft. Each guitar is hand crafted in our workshop close to Berlin, Germany.
Deimel Firestar
The Deimel Firestar is a new classic tool for creative and modern guitar music. It comes with a veriety of features and add ons as for example the built in piezo disc, built in LesLee® or kill switch, just to mention a few. Find out more …
Deimel Firestar Artist Edition
The Deimel Firestar Artist Edition are an intense collaboration between Frank and his artist wife Kora. All Artist Editions are equipped with a Deimel Vibratone and a built in LesLee®. Find out more …
Deimel Doublestar
A classic »vintage-like« feel and the the essence of two iconic guitar designs are the main originators for the creation of the Deimel Doublestar. Find out more …
Deimel Singlestar
The Deimel Singlestar is the successful variation of the Deimel Doublestar: the left cutaway is closed. This results in a stiffer bass response and even more sustain on all strings. Find out more …
The Experimental Guitar – Deimel Firestar
With the experimental Deimel Firestar endless combinations inspire to yet unheard guitar textures, directly controlled by the player during his performance in order to unfold the creative, intuitive process with the guitar. Find out more …

Deimel Firestar Ellipse
The Deimel Firestar Ellipse, a modern touch to the classic Deimel Deimel Firestar Read more …
Deimel Bluestar
The Deimel Bluestar is an offset model that we first developed for Kalle Kalima, a finish Jazz guitarist. More information is coming soon. In the meanwhile, just contact us directly or see some variations.
Deimel Firestar Bass
The Deime Firestar Bass is born as a sibling bass of the very successful Deimel Firestar guitar. Being designed in the same manner as the Firestar guitar, the fusion of traditionally proven bass designs move onto a new step of comfort and elegance. Find out more …
Kora and Frank,
I just wanted to let you know I received my new guitar yesterday. It is absolutely beautiful! It beyond surpasses any and all expectations. It’s stunning. I thought it looked great in the pictures, but it looks even better in person. It has a nice feel and playability to it and it sounds fantastic. It is simply awesome! Thank you!!! …
Hi Frank & Kora,
just wanted to let you know that my guitar arrived today, and it is better than I could have dreamed! So beautifully made, and although I’ve only had ~5 minutes to play it so far, it feels wonderful …
Frank and Kora,
Thanks so much for this guitar. I unboxed it this weekend and spent the last couple of days playing it off and on, and put in a few solid hours on it today. I’m really impressed with the build quality, the tone, tuning stability, the finish, fretwork, the feel, and pretty much everything else about it. I’m really happy I made the purchase! Thanks again for the great instrument 🙂
Frank & Kora,
Thank you for an amazing guitar! The looks, finish & handcraft is top notch, we made the right decision with materials , colors etc, thanks for all the input and discussions. And the playability is a step up from my Jazzmaster reissue with a 7.25 radiius.
Morgen Frank!
Ich bin sehr zufrieden!
- Aussehen (nach eingängiger Betrachtung an den folgenden Tagen nach der Abholung): super und stimmig!
- Verarbeitung und Materialien: top und wertig, ein echtes Custom-Unikat!
- Bespielbarkeit/Scale: auch super mit der Anlehnung an das Griffbrett deines Sohnes
- Sound der Pick-ups: sehr gut (verzerrt und clean), dabei ausgewogen (ohne nennenswertes Gefälle in der Dynamik beim Umschalten)
… da baut man sofort eine enge Beziehung zu dem Instrument auf!
Ich bin von beiden Gitarren sehr begeistert und denke, sie sind ihr Geld wert.
War eine gute Entscheidung, zu Dir zu kommen!
Hi Kora,
I picked up the guitar today. It’s beautiful! I love everything about it. The neck is perfect. I love the finish. Thanks to you and Frank for creating for me this wonderful instrument.
Kora und Frank,
die Gitarre ist gut angekommen und ist wirklich perfekt.
Ich bin wirklich sehr, sehr Happy 😊 sie wird mir noch sehr viel Freude bereiten! …
I haven’t had the chance to really test the guitar until today so now I’m able to say you’ve done an amazing job. It sounds great, the guitar is very resonant and punchy … and exactly what I wanted. The neck is perfect, a bit chunky but not too chunky and plays very smooth. The tonal possibilities with the five pickups are endless but what strikes me the most is how everything is so well balanced and easy to control. I’ve got a great inspiring tool now, thank you!
Frank and Kora!
I received my guitar late last night. I just love it. It’s absolutely beautiful. Though I didn’t have a chance to play it much, I found the sounds were really really great. It has a wonderful rich tone and I’m absolutely loving the Leslee.
I’ll have a lot of fun diving deep into this wonderful creation. THANK YOU!!!
Kora and Frank!
Guitar arrived just fine today. It looks great and sounds really powerful. Gold engraving is perfect. Best and thanks so very much. …
Hallo Frank!
vielen Dank noch mal für das Anfertigen der Gitarre, ich habe sie erhalten und bin ziemlich glücklich damit und sie hat auch bereits die erste „Bandprobe” hinter sich 😜. Von den vielen Gitarren die ich bereits spielte, ist es wirklich die “vielseitigste” die ich bisher in der Hand hatte.
Es war schon auch immer spannend zu verfolgen, was gerade mit der “bestellten Gitarre” passiert und an welchem Punkt die Anfertigung steht…und jetzt ist sie da…😊👍🏼👏🏼 Danke
Hi Frank,
First impression: Of course I saw the pictures but in real life it’s more than I wished for, the looks are amazing and executed in perfection and every choice works well! Playability is great and I have to check all the possibilities (but work is waiting). I love it! and it exceeds my expectations, even the t-shirt fits, thank you for that. I will put you on a statue!!
… I am loving this guitar sooo much. It is everything I was hoping …
Thank you so much for a gorgeous, fun, inspirational guitar!
Kora und Frank,
die Gitarre kam schon am Samstag an. Vielen Dank dafür! ich habe schon zu Hause gespielt und es macht mega spass. Werde die Tage damit auch ins Studio. Sie sieht auch fantastisch aus!!
Kora and Frank!
I played on my vintage Orange OR120 with collection of my vintage fuzz pedals and other effects. It is just amazing how many sound I can get out of this guitar. It was total inspiration for all of us. It covers just about anything. Ok maybe for some metal stuff int is not a perfect choice but who wont’s to play metal anyway 😀
It really shines in more experimental setting. Especially it does wonders with Boss Hyper fuzz!!! With combination of Behind the bridge / piezos / Kill switch and some extreme tremolo bridge action! Just amazingly expressive exploding sound.
On the other hand I’m totally amazed how much sustain it has! Sometimes it sounds like a piano with the pedal on. Especially the low strings.
I’m very satisfied with the combination of the magnets! Basically I get 5 different sounds because of the two tone. And It really helps to have a humbucker on it! The neck pickup is beautiful and full, but not boomy and not to bassy.
When I need really picky treble sound I can play with mid position or bridge with two tone on single coil.
The switching works great (main 3 toggle and two tone switch) and it is easy to reach and switch… much better than to have it on volume or tone pot.
All the pickups are dead silent! Amazing. The whole guitar is even more quiet than all the others I have.
The sound is amazing. Just what I wanted. Little bit more modern, but It will develop trough time I guess.
I didn’t have much time exploring the behind the bridge and piezo magnets yet, but what I can tell is that Novak lipstick is great choice for behind the bridge.
Also I totally dig the piezos in combination with normal pickups because thay are out of phase. In this way I can get really metallic sounding scratch sounds and other funky things. Also just taping on the pick guard makes some really interesting results.
It is very comfortable to play on it. Maybe too much 😀 The action is really nice, but for some heavier stuff it is little to soft for me. But no problem at all for now. I decided that I just leave it like it is and try to learn how to play it as it is.
Neck is fantastic! And so beautiful. Overall design is perfect! I totally dig it. Especially the black headstock in combination with pearl white finish and gold pick guard.
And lipstick pickup just looks killer! It looks much better than I ever dreamed.
I’m so happy that you did the chrome jaguar control plates! Thanx allot for that.
And brushed Mastery bridge is a work of art. Also tuners are fantastic. Really smooth and precise.
It is a killer guitar. So beautifully made and all the details… And it is a true serious instrument, that will open my playing options and inspire to do new things and explore old styles as well.
Thank you soooooooooo much!
Liebe Kora, lieber Frank,
die Firestar ist mein absoluter Star und begeistert mich in allen Belangen, die Farben sind überridisch-nicht-fotografierbar, der Sound versohlt mir jedes Mal den Hintern und der Feel ist like “smooth operator”!
Frank and Kora!
The guitar arrived and it is more beautiful than the pictures could show. The modified electronics give me all the tones that I was hoping for, and the setup/playability is excellent. I look forward to spending a lot of time with my new guitar. Thank you for building such a great instrument!
Dear Frank and Kora,
I picked up the guitar early this morning from a local UPS facility and have been playing it continuously ever since.
It plays like a dream, looks amazing and sounds even better than it looks. I can’t get over how comfortable it is and the wide range of tones I can get out of it, even before I get it anywhere near an effects pedal. I suspect that I’ll be smiling for the foreseeable future. You’ve made my dream guitar, thank you.
Due to the high demand, we very seldom have any in stock instruments. Please contact us for your custom built Deimel guitar or bass. Our waiting list is around 12 months currently.
Designpreis Brandenburg 2023

09/23 – Proud to announce the nomination for the Design Award 2023 of Brandenburg, Germany, for our experimental Deimel Firestar LesLee Synchronizer that is able to connect directly to a modular synth.